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Eligible, and want to take part?


Please complete the online survey below and we will get in touch soon to give you the instructions and access to the app


To be eligible to take part in this research you must:

Have a BMI≥30 kg/m2

We would be very grateful for your contribution to this research.


If you want more information about the study, please e-mail us.



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About the research

TOP TIPS is a simple and effective weight loss approach which is being converted into an Android app. The study will test two versions of TOP TIPS that will be accessed through your smartphone. The apps aim to help people develop healthy habits and lose weight. 


Taking part in the study would involve using the TOP TIPS weight loss app for 3 months. Some participants will be able to start straight away while others will be asked to wait for three months to get access to the app. Taking part will require no more than 10 minutes per day of your time, and you can use the app a time that suits you.


You will be asked to fill in an online questionnaire on 2 occasions: at the start and end of the study. Filling in the questionnaire should not take longer than 15 minutes.



Knowing more about the impact of the app and how people use it will provide valuable information about the skills people use to control their eating, and could help develop new approaches to supporting people in losing weight.

Weight Concern

University College London

1-19 Torrington Place, WC1E 6BT



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